Affirmation for Success:

Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, in me and my affairs.

Live your noblest life today

Begin this day with clear purpose, strong resolve, and supreme faith. Concentrate…

The ideal life is in our blood

The ideal life is in our blood and never will be lost. Sad will be the day for any man when he…

Knowledge makes a scholar, virtue makes a saint, noble action makes…

“Hungering and striving after knowledge is what makes a scholar; hungering and striving after virtue is what makes a Saint; hungering and striving after noble action is what makes a hero and a man.”

Greatness of life is largely the product of definite purpose and…

There are larger possibilities for you. Greatness of life is largely the product of definite…

Strike Until The Iron Is Hot

It is good policy to strike while the iron is hot, but it is even better to make the iron hot by striking.

Every new life is a new thing under the sun…

Duty and faith – they are the main things.

Always listen to good advice

It is always advantageous to listen to advice, since you always have the ability to ignore it…