Affirmation for Success:

My mind, body and spirit are in divine alignment.

ImageBarta IV [Affirmation by KNOWOL – CC BY 2.0]

Dishonesty Conceals, Honesty Reveals

Dishonest men conceal their faults from themselves and others: honest men confess

Goodness is a force of attraction

GOOD attracts good. Those of upright character radiate an influence for good wherever they go.

Know the purpose of your life

Cultivate a philosophy of your own. Study the meaning and purpose of life. Try to get clear…

The Eternal Benefits of Living a Righteous Life

The student of Esoteric thought who truly desires to overcome the evils, must bear in mind that…

Blessings On The Man Who Smiles!

I do not mean the man who smiles for effect, nor the one who smiles when the world smiles.

There are always plenty of troubles ahead, so don’t turn and look back

Never worry about anything that is past. Charge it up to experience and forget the…

I and my father are One

Faith Affirmations