Affirmation for Success:

Good Things Now Come to Pass, the Unexpected Now Happens!

ImageBarta IV [Affirmation by KNOWOL – CC BY 2.0]

Lessons are learned from experience

Experience should bring restraint and repose. When you have a sense of life’s values…

Every new life is a new thing under the sun…

Duty and faith – they are the main things.

Young men, life is before you

Young men, life is before you. Two voices are calling you – one coming out from…

My business is not to remake myself, but to…

My business is not to remake myself, But to make the absolute best of what God made. – Robert Browning

Adversity Reveals New Sources of Joy

Adversity frightens us, but instead of lessening our blessings, it often reveals new sources of comfort

Plato explains the difference between good and bad people

A bad man is wretched amidst every earthly advantage; a good man, troubled on…

Live your noblest life today

Begin this day with clear purpose, strong resolve, and supreme faith. Concentrate…