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Who was Sigmund Spaeth, the American Musicologist?
Major Thomas B. McGuire Jr., Legendary WWII Fighter Ace
WWII Captain Bolt pushes Corsair’s limits with 14-hour endurance flight
The Timeless Principles of Honor and Service: Exploring Freemasonry
Vintage WPA poster highlights Des Moines’ historic fight against smoke pollution in 1940s
Beautifully Restored Map of Des Moines, Iowa from 1868
Albert Ruger’s Legacy: Capturing the Growth of 19th-Century American Cities
Restored Vintage Map of Decorah, Iowa from 1870
Restored Vintage Map of Elgin, Illinois from 1930
Beautifully Detailed Map of Barre, MA from 1891
New Mexico Like Never Before: 1939 Map Brings History to Life with a Laugh
Migrant laborer’s family near Canal Point Packinghouse, Florida
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