Too many are governed by the bare appearance of things, the false glare and tinsel-show of life. When someone looks upon a shining substance or metal, and without thought or examination takes it for gold, many are deceived by this mere superficial knowledge of men and things. This maxim is designed to put such on their guard, teaching them that though the outside cup be clean, the inside may be very filthy; and though sepulchers be white and beautiful outwardly, they are within, full of dead men’s bones and uncleanliness.

A watch may have a beautiful external face, while the machinery within is very defective and poorly adjuster.

A person may be finely decorated, of a beautiful form, and a very captivating appearance, yet the mind be uncultivated and unadorned, without principle, virtue or religion. Such is like a flower without perfume, like a body without a soul. Many illustrations may be given, but the above is sufficient to teach the careless and superficial observer the importance of examination, analysis and research, both pertaining to men and things.

Ralph Waldo Emerson on friendship: “To have a friend, be a friend”

The only way to have a friend is to be one. A friend is a person with whom I may be…

Choose your friends wisely

True friendship is worth more than gold, because the elements of character and virtue that make…

YMCA of Bridgeport, CT

Bridgeport's Young Men's Christian Association was formed in June, 1883, and the association was incorporated one year later. In October, 1888, Dr. I. de Ver. Warner, the president of the association, gave to the society the lot on the northwest corner of Main and...

Old map shows bird’s eye view of Bangor, Pennsylvania in 1885

This map of Bangor, Pennsylvania was created in 1885 by O.H. Bailey. Oakley Hoopes Bailey (1843-1947) was one of the most prominent and prolific American map makers of the 19th century. Bangor was first settled around 1760 and incorporated in 1875. The founder and...

Beautifully detailed map of Cleveland, Ohio in 1887

Click here to see a bird’s eye view of Cleveland in 1887

At 8 years old, Mozart played a flawless symphony

When Daines Barrington met Mozart he brought a new composition to test the…

Historic old map shows bird’s eye view of Brenham, Texas in 1881

Historic bird’s eye view of Brenham, Texas from 1881