Too many are governed by the bare appearance of things, the false glare and tinsel-show of life. When someone looks upon a shining substance or metal, and without thought or examination takes it for gold, many are deceived by this mere superficial knowledge of men and things. This maxim is designed to put such on their guard, teaching them that though the outside cup be clean, the inside may be very filthy; and though sepulchers be white and beautiful outwardly, they are within, full of dead men’s bones and uncleanliness.

A watch may have a beautiful external face, while the machinery within is very defective and poorly adjuster.

A person may be finely decorated, of a beautiful form, and a very captivating appearance, yet the mind be uncultivated and unadorned, without principle, virtue or religion. Such is like a flower without perfume, like a body without a soul. Many illustrations may be given, but the above is sufficient to teach the careless and superficial observer the importance of examination, analysis and research, both pertaining to men and things.

View of West Point, United States Military Academy in 1857

Click here to see West Point, New York in the 19th century.

Beautifully restored map of Miami, Florida from 1934

Historic bird’s eye view of Miami, Florida from 1934

Old map showing a bird’s eye view of Hazardville, CT in 1880

This old map shows Hazardville, Connecticut in the late 19th century.

Woman in front of her house in Santurce, San Juan, Puerto Rico

Woman in front of her home in Santurce that she was being forced to abandon.

25 historic pictures of Luna Park, Coney Island’s magical land of lights

Coney Island’s original Luna Park was a massive spectacle of thrill rides and…

Beautifully restored map of Warren, RI from 1877

This map of Warren, Rhode Island was created in 1877 by O.H. Bailey and J.C. Hazen, prominent 19th century map makers. The map shows a detailed bird's eye view of Warren, including street names and old landmarks. Landmarks on the map include Warren Manufacturing,...

11 vintages images reveal the beauty of Connecticut’s Candlewood Lake

Candlewood Lake is a manmade lake located in Connecticut that is is bordered by five towns: Brookfield, Danbury, New Fairfield, New Milford, and Sherman. The following images show Candlewood Lake as it looked in the 1940's and 1950's. Bathing beaches at Candlewood...

Leonardo da Vinci on the flow of time

“In a river the water you touch is the last of what has passed and the first of what is to come. It is the same with the present time.” - Leonardo da Vinci Translated from the Italian:  “L’acqua che tocchi dei fiumi e l’ultima di quella che andò e la prima di quella...