Affirmation for Success:
Thy Kingdom come, Thy will be done, in me and my affairs.
Image: Susanne Nilsson [Affirmation by KNOWOL – CC BY 2.0]
Young men, life is before you
Young men, life is before you. Two voices are calling you – one coming out from…
Work is the True Elixir of Life
Work is the true elixir of life. The busiest man is the happiest man. Excellence in any art or…
Look around you, and you will behold a universe full of energy…
Action is, so to speak, the genius of nature.
Get out and do something. Work, sweat, hike, push yourself…
“Get out and do something – work, sweat, hike, push yourself – starve if need be – but dig on and deliver. Then talk if you want to, but the chances are you won’t feel so much like it.”
Strike Until The Iron Is Hot
It is good policy to strike while the iron is hot, but it is even better to make the iron hot by striking.
Live your noblest life today
Begin this day with clear purpose, strong resolve, and supreme faith. Concentrate…
Dishonesty Conceals, Honesty Reveals
Dishonest men conceal their faults from themselves and others: honest men confess
What Is A Friend?
Two men were talking about friendship, and one of them had praised Emerson’s splendid…
The victory of success is half won when one gains the habit of work…
We find success by adding value to the lives of others. Think of how you can do that, and do it.